As a succulent owner, one of your primary concerns is probably the state of your plant’s health. So, how can you know whether your succulent is doing okay? There are a few telltale indicators that your plant will provide you if it’s content and healthy. There should be a lot of fresh growth, the leaves should be green without any brown areas, and the soil should be a uniform hue.
Here, we’ll go through what to look for in a succulent and what you can do to keep it looking great.
What Are the Signs of a Healthy Succulent?
Understanding how to identify a healthy succulent from one that is in need of care is a skill that should not be ignored.
In this article, we will discuss how to tell whether your succulent is healthy and what to do if it isn’t.
Roots That Are Healthy
Healthy succulents have thick white roots with no signs of yellowing or stains from dripping sap. Long, thick, and widely dispersed roots are ideal.
The roots of a weak succulent will be too tiny to properly anchor the plant. Low root development and nutrient uptake by plants may be the result of soil that is too thick or compacted to drain well.
A succulent with good roots may grow up to a foot in one year. The following signs may suggest an issue with the roots:
- Worsening root shriveling dryness
- Damaged or rotting roots
- Dark, wet streaks on the surface of decaying roots
- Phytodeterioration, with leaves becoming yellow and growth slowing.
- The discoloration of succulent leaves
- Fewer sprouts than usual.
Treatment with these procedures is often possible for a cactus or succulent that is otherwise healthy:
- If rain isn’t in the forecast for a day, but it’s hot outside, open a window or two for some fresh air. Removing moisture from the air will reduce the amount of oxygen available to the plants, which might lead to root rot. If you’re concerned that relocating the plant would stress it out, you can always set up a fan nearby.
- Reduce how often you water the succulent so that it may benefit from the evaporative cooling effects of not having water sitting around and rotting its roots. Keep in mind that desiccation can set in if you expose yourself to too much dryness, so try to limit your exposure as much as possible. A humidifier placed close might also help your plant out.
- A fungicide containing chlorothalonil can be used as a prophylactic measure during periods of excessive humidity by applying it every few months. However, it shouldn’t be applied to plants with existing root rot since it might exacerbate the harm caused by the fungi.
- In many cases, you may get rid of the dryness by watering your succulent more regularly if it is planted in potting soil that contains coniferous bark or perlite. It may be necessary to use an epiphytic tree fern if the plant is to be placed in the ground or if the container does not include drainage holes, sand, or pebbles to assist regulate moisture levels. If you put it next to your plant, the soil will be able to absorb some of the liquid that has drained from the leaves and stems, helping your plant to thrive.
- You might also improve drainage by placing gravel on top of the soil close to the roots. Root rot is a common problem for succulents when soil drainage is inadequate. Reduced root rot risk, improved air circulation, and easier water penetration through potting soil or gravel are all benefits of doing this.
- Finally, a porous substance like charcoal might be used to improve drainage close to the plant’s roots. It is effective in drawing moisture away from a plant’s roots while allowing air to reach them. Also, unlike sand or perlite, which are also commonly used for this reason, it won’t block light from reaching your succulent plants’ leaves.
New Growth That Is Healthy
New growth is a sign of a succulent’s happiness and health.
If a plant is happy and healthy, it may produce more flowers. If a plant has spines, its leaves will be larger and more robust.
In times of happiness, plants expend all of their resources on producing new leaves. Succulents that are flourishing develop a second set of leaves that are lighter in hue and rounder on the underside.
Most succulents have at least two growing seasons every year.
Leaves In Good Health
Succulents in good health have glossy, dark green foliage. As the leaves mature, neither the margins nor the tips curl inward or dry out. There shouldn’t be any blank spots on the surface’s coloration.
Looking at a plant’s color is the most popular approach to tell if it’s healthy and happy. However, in succulents, not all leaf color changes indicate plant distress.
Succulents in good health tend to have leaves of various hues. Some of these hues will cause the mature leaf to include spots, stripes, or bands. Your plant’s health is not indicative of these variances.
Succulents with subtle color variations are more striking than those of uniform greenness. Since no two of these plants appear alike, they are typically regarded as uncommon and very coveted. Alternatively, you may see different shades of brown in areas of your plant where the leaves have died but not dropped off yet.
Stems In Good Health
A succulent in good condition will also have a sturdy, robust stem. Bruising or other evidence of damage to the plant’s stem near its base are the strongest indicators of this problem. If your succulent has bruised or broken off at the stem, it requires extra water and nutrients.
The Plant Is Pest and Disease Free
You shouldn’t find any bugs or illnesses on a healthy succulent. Aphids are only one example of a plant pest that may infest and destroy your garden.
On the other hand, let’s say you’ve been diligently keeping up with the plant’s watering needs and fertilizing as directed. Such imperfections on an otherwise healthy succulent are quite improbable.
If you notice any signs of insect activity, it may be time to adjust how often you tend to your succulent.
If a succulent isn’t doing well, then it probably has some kind of insect or illness. The succulent leaves may appear drier than usual, more wilted, and brown at the margins instead of their typical vibrant green.
If you see something like this, you must act immediately to eliminate the threat of spreading the disease to the rest of your succulents.
What Is The Best Way To Keep Succulents Healthy?
Following these simple guidelines will go a long way toward ensuring the continued well-being of your succulents.
Succulents require strong, indirect lighting. They may function in dim light as well. The optimum lighting comes from the window and not from the sun, which might burn the leaves.
Keep in mind that succulents are sensitive to the environment and that they should not be left in intense heat for prolonged periods of time.
Preferably, the temperature would be between 65 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. The succulent will thrive with minimum attention as long as the temperature stays within this range.
Providing they have the chance to warm up again before freezing, they can even survive temperatures below 40 degrees for brief periods of time.
Water and Soil
Although succulents can survive in dry conditions, plants nevertheless benefit from regular watering. Succulents thrive on light soil, like the cactus mix, which allows you to avoid over- or under-watering your plant.
It will assist in soaking up any surplus moisture and allowing adequate drainage so that water is not wasted.
To determine whether or not your succulent is thriving, you can use one of several methods. If you observe your succulent carefully during its life cycle, you can determine if it is healthy and happy by its growth rate, leaf color, and overall condition. It’s important to take care of your plant in a variety of ways to ensure its survival.