Planting a succulent may be a roller coaster of emotions; just when you think you have it mastered and your plant is at its best, disaster strikes. Identify the cause of your succulent’s distress and learn how to treat it with this handy guide.
A succulent’s leaves are falling off
It only takes the slightest touch or bumps to cause half of your succulent’s leaves to fall off. This is a classic indicator of overwatering that may be seen early on. Lift the plant from the ground and examine the roots to see whether they are still alive and well.
To find out if the stem has any black or blue stains, you should look at it closely. Repot it in dry, well-draining soil and reduce watering for a period if the roots appear healthy. Stem rot can be identified by the presence of black or blue patches.
If you want to save your succulent, cut the stem just above the rot and let it callous over for a week. It may then be replanted in dry soil, where it should start sending out new roots.
Succulent leaves are changing to yellow and translucent
This is another symptom of overwatering. To maintain a healthy plant, follow the methods outlined above and remove any yellowing leaves.
Marks on leaves that are brown, beige, or white
Sunburn is a possibility. Succulents prefer sunny locations, although noon heat can scorch their leaves. This is possible, especially if you are relocating your plants outdoors in the spring after having spent the winter indoors. When relocating plants from inside to outside, it is best to acclimate them gradually by exposing them to the sun for shorter periods of time at first, then gradually increasing their exposure.
If you reside in a very hot area, you may need to keep most of your succulents out of the afternoon sun because of the risk of sunburn. This is especially true of the species of succulents that are more susceptible to sunburn. They can be kept in the midday sun with the aid of shade fabric if you have no other choice.
Whitewashing the windows of a greenhouse can create shade throughout the summer and then be easily removed in the fall. The scorched leaves on your succulent will not recover, but the plant will sprout new leaves in due time.
I have a leaning succulent
Your succulent may develop a tilt or lean if it isn’t getting enough light. You should move your plant to a more light-filled area and rotate it occasionally to guarantee even lighting.
Jade plants with white spots
These are most likely salt deposits if they come off readily with a damp cloth. To a greater extent, your plant may take on the characteristics of its hard water environment.
The waste products are then expelled through the leaves of your jade plant. This is a strictly aesthetic change that will have no negative effects on your Jade. If it’s a problem, you may switch to watering your plants with rainwater instead.
I have wrinkled leaves on my succulents
One possible reason for this is a deficiency of water. You should water your succulent thoroughly; a little misting won’t cut it.
Succulents have turned mushy
It’s possible that the cold weather was too much for your succulent and caused it to freeze. There’s not much you can do but take notes and try again if your plant turns to mush. Make sure you inspect the plant as a whole; if the stem is still solid, you may try removing the affected leaves and seeing whether the plant recovers.
I have inward curling leaves on my succulent
Overwatering or a lack of sunlight might be to blame. Many sempervivums, or semps, really thrive in the open air, as I’ve discovered to my chagrin. It’s really challenging to suit their needs inside.
The bottom leaves are browning and becoming crispy
When growing succulents, it is typical for the bottom leaves to die off. Dead leaves on a succulent may be easily removed by pulling them off carefully.
I really hope this was useful in resolving some of the most typical issues with succulents.